Christian Know-It-All’s

Do you know them? Have you come across them too? They’re all over the internet.

Everyone has a blog, or a platform lately. Have you noticed everyone has something to say?

Christians bloggers especially, with their puffed up piety and superiority. They swear they know-it-all.

Courtesy of Creative Commons

I can’t help but detect a hint of arrogance and condescension in their writing. Reminds me of those judgmental Christians you find at Church. You know the ones I’m talking about? The ones who act like they got it all together, who do no wrong and tell you their false opinions of you?

It’s amazing what tone a blog can take, when the bloggers themselves write as if they know-it-all.

I hope to God I don’t ever come across that way here. I do not claim to know-it-all and never will. I am forever learning.

I have had bloggers who are in the “niche” unfollow me on Twitter or Facebook, because of my stance on topics such as homosexuality, gay marriage, pornography, etc. They seem to believe their opinions are worth more than mine and they’re only reserved the special right to speak their minds and write what they believe. Even if I don’t personally agree with it.

Truthfully, I come across and read a lot of things I don’t personally agree with. However, you won’t be find me unfriending or unfollowing them because they believe differently than me.

Yes, there seems to be a certain “acceptable” group, I shall call them, the cyberspace clique. Reminds me of high school. So glad I’m passed all that. Perhaps this is why I don’t care for the term, Tribes, it doesn’t hold a good connotation for me.

One thing I do notice among these peers is they are young. I have nothing against the youth. But to whom I refer, they seem to come across as know-it-all’s. Which quite frankly, they have not fully lived life yet to be giving such assertions.

Mind you, these are “Christians” we are talking about here.

Where is the humility? How are they truly representing Christ in their writing or actions? They act superior, all knowing ones, who will correct others in a heartbeat. They will point blank disagree with you, unfriend you and then write about it on their blogs, hoping you won’t notice.

They are good writers, they are mastering their craft well. Yes, they are accepted and revered in their cyberspace community. They pat each others back, speak sweet nothings to each other and then shun those who don’t believe as they do.

They spout their arrogant and pious pontifications while hiding behind the cloak of religion and doctrinal precipices.

I can understand why Ghandi said, “I like your Christ; I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” I couldn’t agree with him more. I would add to this, “I like your Christ; I do not like your Christian bloggers.”

Dear readers: This is my platform, where I have the right and freedom to write uncensored, share my thoughts and speak the truth. My prayer recently has been that we go beyond the superficiality of religion, piety and cliques, to representing Christ in action, with love and humility. Even if we don’t agree with each others stance, theology or position. We should be mature enough to treat others how we would want to be treated, even if we don’t agree. We need to remember that we are not know-it-all’s or better than anyone else or superior to one another. Only Christ reserves that right, stature and position, not us. Thank you for reading and God bless you.