Category Archives: vlogging
Hope in Coronavirus Time
I wanted to touch base with you and ask how you are doing? We’re hanging in there. In self-quarantine mode. We’re doing our best to not go out much and when we absolutely have to, we practice social distancing.
We’re surely living in unprecedented times. Who would’ve ever thought we would be dealing with an invisible enemy like this virus that’s wreaking havoc here in NYC/NJ and around the globe.
We are all afraid because we’ve never had to deal with something like this before. The last time something similar occurred was in 1918 with the Spanish Influenza pandemic.
But since then, we haven’t seen anything of this magnitude or impact. This virus doesn’t discriminate and everyone is on the same playing field. It makes you think and value what’s important in life.
There are many conspiracy theories surrounding the Coronavirus. None of which will change what’s happening. The bottomline is, I believe God’s allowing this and I speak more about it in this video.
I wanted to encourage all of you and remind you that you aren’t alone. We have to press into God now more than ever. We are in this together. It’s time for the Church to be the Church and pray like never before. If you are in need of prayer, just shoot me an email or comment below. God bless you and your loved ones. Be safe and be well.
Why Is There So Much Evil?
Hello my friends,
I haven’t been blogging or vlogging much and the first video will explain why.
In the second video entitled “Does God Still Heal?,” I share some personal experiences which I hope blesses you.
Please feel free to subscribe to my channel and share your thoughts in the comment section below.
God bless you and thanks for watching.