Tag Archives: seducing spirits

In The Pit Of Hell

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils. 1 Timothy 1:4

It was pitch black in Puttapharti, India. We were half asleep and dragged ourselves from our cots.

We rushed out of our rooms quickly to try and get a spot in front of the line, to catch a glimpse of the miracle man.

All the while I wanted to leave this place.

You see, the sad reality is I was a Christian. I had walked away from my faith temporarily. It was after I met a prominent doctor at a party who spoke to me of this miracle man in India.

I was fascinated, curious and decided I needed to take a trip and see for myself.

When I arrived to this ashram, my spiritual eyes were opened. Instead of being in bliss, I found myself in the pit of hell.

While the group was having one experience, I was having another.

For instance, I kept having vivid and disturbing dreams of this guru. I would tell the group about the dreams and all of a sudden I was categorized as the chosen one.

Meanwhile, all I wanted to do was run for the hills.

It was a complete nightmare. I saw things in the spiritual realm that freaked me out.

As fate would have it, after sitting on the ground cross-legged for hours, our line was selected to go in first.  Which meant, we would see the guru up close and personal.

Now who do you think he walked up to?

That’s right, me. He asked me where I was from, who I came with and how many we were.

I then witnessed him produce ash from his fingertips right before my eyes. There was a strong aroma of jasmine and electricity in the air.

Instantly, the Holy Spirit revealed to me he was demon possessed. His power came from demons.

I can’t tell you how afraid I was at that moment. The scary part about it, is when his eyes pierced into mine, it was as if he knew everything about me.

I wanted to leave so badly, but I was unable to get out. I was trapped there, as if kept hostage. There was no escape.

I never cried and asked God to help me so much. I was scared out of my mind.

I look back and realized God allowed me to go there for a reason. I didn’t know what the reason was until now.

This same spirit has entered into the Christian Church.

Christians need to wake up.

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Matthew 24:24

We are in the last days and these things are happening now. Christians, please take heed.

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