Monthly Archives: January 2020

A New Decade

Happy New Year. I can’t believe we are well into the new year and a new decade.

Right before the new year stuck, the Lord gave me two verses.

Photo credit: Carrie ~ Creative Commons Flickr

“I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14 

“God is with her, she will not fail.” Psalm 46:5 (I bought myself a coffee mug with this on it).

I sensed the Lord encouraging me, as if to say, you are entering a new season.

As I’ve mentioned, it hasn’t been an easy few years for me and my family. Not that anything has changed, but I believe I’ve grown in the spiritual department and I’m grateful for that.

It’s not easy to walk by faith and not by sight. I guess the control freak in me wants to know everything before it happens. Don’t we all? But, God wants us to trust Him in all things, not just some, but ALL.

My situation has given me no other option but to trust Him. I mean, my life is literally in His hands. I lean on Him for everything now because I have no choice. I can’t say I’m any less anxious, but I can say He’s been faithful every step of the way.


Fear has been the biggest hindrance in my life. It has stopped me from many things. It’s been a stumbling block, roadblock and obstacle, especially with writing. I’m aware all writers are faced with insecurity and fear, but many push through it and actually achieve their dreams.

My fear is paralyzing me from actually doing it because I think others are better than I am and who in the world is going to want to read what I write? There are millions of incredible writers/authors out there. Many have Master’s degrees from elite Ivy League universities. I haven’t even gotten an Associate’s degree. So, how can I even compete, not that I actually want to compete, because I’m not the competitive type. But, you know what I mean.

If there is one thing I would want to overcome in this new year and decade, is this horrible fear, insecurity and comparison trap that prevents me from writing.

I also don’t want to continue chasing other things to avoid doing what I believe the Lord has called me to do which is to write. I’ve been running from it and busying myself with other more productive things to do. But, I’m tired of the start, stop, start, stop. I’m 53 and this is getting old already. I don’t want to get to the end of my life and regret never trying and giving it my all.

The fear of failure is so strong that paralyzes me from writing. The irony is that I wind up failing because I give up. It’s a perpetual cycle that repeats itself over and over again.

I don’t believe in new year’s resolutions, but if I were to have one, it would be to overcome this gigantic monster called fear and write no matter what.

What about you? Is there something you’ve been wanting to do, but you’ve stopped yourself because of fear, insecurity or thinking others are better than you are? If so, please comment below or shoot me an email.