Microwavable Art

Recently, I’ve become bored with blogs. I find myself yawning as I read blog posts by popular bloggers. Yes, even bloggers with huge followings.

I started to think about why I’ve become bored with their writing and blogs.

Courtesy of Creative Commons

While reading this morning’s post by Seth Godin (which sparked this post), he mentions, “everyone is making noise and there is generally useless stuff being written.”

What I call “useless stuff” is microwavable or recyclable writing.

There is just so much I can read about “Five ways to do this” and “Seven ways to do that”.

Reading their blogs is like eating stale bread.  It is bland, boring and dull.

There is no originality anymore. Forgive me if I sound like a snob, I don’t mean to.

Who knows, perhaps it’s just me… maybe following popular blogs, bloggers or blogging isn’t for me.

I don’t want to read mediocre writing anymore. My time is precious and whatever I ingest, I want it to be substantive. Not some cheap substitute for the real thing.

Have you ever wondered what happened to the art in the 1500, 1600 and 1700’s?

Such as, Mozart, Beethoven and Shakespeare?

Where did the caliber of art go?

There was none of the microwavable art that we see today.

Artists respected art. Now artists prostitute and exploit art for their own gain or recognition.

The artists of the past were givers, not takers.

Today everyone wants in on the game. They want a piece of the pie. It’s all about them.

There is no respect for art anymore. Just a bunch of recyclable trash that does not edify anyone.

Artists need to recognize they have a responsibility to humanity to be good stewards of art and the gifts God blesses them with.

Do you agree or disagree and why?