Tag Archives: Balancing

A Balancing Act

Ever feel like you are doing this in your life?

Courtesy of Creative Commons

Lately, I’ve been feeling like this Orangutan.

I’ve been on walking the tight rope of life and it’s turning out to be a balancing act.

This past weekend I had to take a step back and reassess my life. I knew if I didn’t, I was slowly going to crash and burn.

I started thinking about how I wound up here. Why had I taken on so much? What motivated me?

I realized it all came down to fear. I was afraid to say ‘no’ and letting people down. I am the type who loves to help, encourage and support others.

This time I went too far in the people pleasing department.

I reevaluated what I was doing and why I was doing it. Granted, what I am doing is good and harmless.

However, is it what God wants and is He in it?

Am I really asking Him what He wants me to do? Or am I going about my business doing what I think is right in my own eyes? (Proverbs 21:2)

The truth is I haven’t been asking Him. I got swept up in the fervor of helping others.

Before I knew it, I found myself in a cyclone, being thrown every which way. 

All because I didn’t want to disappoint anyone.

So, guess what happened?

I started feeling worn down, worn out, exhausted and thus, unhappy. I realized I started to lose the proper spirit or attitude in my giving.

I was doing everything out of a sense of obligation, therefore, begrudgingly.

However, God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)

The fault is mine and mine alone. Noone forced me or made me do anything. I made the choice.

However, when I had my meltdown this weekend, I realized something had to change. I couldn’t keep going the way I was.

I also started to feel convicted about what I was doing and reached some conclusions:

  1. God doesn’t want us building kingdoms for ourselves on earth.
  2. God doesn’t want us pleasing others more than Him.
  3. God doesn’t want us to manipulate or scheme to get ahead or succeed.
  4. God wants us to trust Him with the results.

Something was getting lost along the way with social media, (i.e., promoting and marketing strategies).

I know the Lord has been trying to get my attention because lately, the whole social media/marketing/promotion thing hasn’t been feeling right to me.

Life is short to be trying to build our little kingdoms here on earth.

My husband made a valid point when he reminded me of what the Lord did to the Tower of Babel.

Christians are not suppose to take their lead from the world. We are suppose to take our lead from God.

Does this seem narrow to you?  Do you find it legalistic?

I am far from being a legalist, but I will say this, if whatever you’re pursuing doesn’t line up with the Word of God, then you are building on sand.

It’s like those sand castles we build on the beach, they eventually get washed away by the waves. They simply don’t last.

Such is our dreams and pursuits, if they are not Christ centered, then they won’t last.

I don’t know about you, but I’d rather art be inspired, blessed and prospered by God, than by man’s scheming, marketing and promotion any day.

Personally, I’d rather just trust God with the success of anything I pursue, whether it be art, writing, singing, cooking, etc… You can’t go wrong.

Whether therefore you eat, or drink, or whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)

Do you agree? I would be interested in reading your thoughts on this.

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