Tag Archives: Devil

Why Is There So Much Evil?

Hello my friends,

I haven’t been blogging or vlogging much and the first video will explain why.

In the second video entitled “Does God Still Heal?,” I share some personal experiences which I hope blesses you.

Please feel free to subscribe to my channel and share your thoughts in the comment section below.

God bless you and thanks for watching.

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Life’s Unfamiliar Terrain

I can’t believe this year is almost over. I apologize for not blogging, but this year has been full of changes. I seem to be in the process of transition and walking in unfamiliar terrain.

Courtesy of Creative Commons

You may have been wondering of my disappearance, and this is an attempt to fill you in.

From 2014 through 2015, I sort of fell away from my Christian faith. There were many reasons for it, which I won’t go into. But what I learned from the dabbling, experimenting, and indulging, is no matter who I was with, where I was, or what I was doing, God was with me.

If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.¹

At the time, I was making bad choices, which grieved the heart of God as well as the people that care about me. Unfortunately, I wasn’t thinking much about this while I was out there, painting the town, and being self-indulgent.

The lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.²

I was a faithful, fervent and zealous Christian prior to falling away. So you could just imagine the amazement to all those who knew me.

Sin is like being on a raft that gradually drifts out to sea.  One minute you are near the shore, and the next, you are in the middle of the ocean.

Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away.³

All the things I was choosing to do, weren’t the things God wanted me to do. I was refusing to die to self. I still didn’t want to surrender ALL to Jesus. It wasn’t His will be done, it was my will be done. Until everything came crashing down on January 2, 2016, and a light bulb went off. I suddenly realized what I was doing, and immediately repented.

Through it all, I learned how much God loves me, and how faithful He is. He never gave up on me, and kept pursuing me.

Today, I am grateful for all that God has done in my life. I am still in an unfamiliar terrain, a place of a transition, and in a process of restoration. But I can honestly say, that I’m at peace. Jesus saved me, rescued me, delivered me and set me free. Praise Him! No one could have done it, but Him.

If He did it for me, He can and will do it for you. He is no respecter of persons. He loves us, which is why He died for us. There is nothing you or I can do that will make Him ever stop loving us. He is a good, good Father.

¹Psalm 139:8
²1 John 2:16
³James 1:14

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Abracadabra. Like many magic words, the true origins of the word “abracadabra” are shrouded in mystery. It may have invoked the god Abraxas for protection. It might be a synthesis of the Hebrew words for “father,” “son,” and “holy spirit.”

It could also be from the Aramaic phrase “avra kehdabra,” meaning, “I will create as I speak.” In ancient times the word was inscribed on pendants worn around the neck as protection from evil and illness. It was considered a far more powerful word in the classical age than it is now.

When I think of the word ‘abracadabra’, I think of magic and modern day Christianity.

What does magic and Christianity have to do with each other? Well, a lot actually.


I just got off a prayer line which I used to be part of a few years ago.

But tonight was different.

I remember when this pastor started his prayer line. There were only a few and then it grew.

Today his ministry has tripled which is pretty impressive. What’s even more impressive is that his ministry consists of mostly women. He seems to attract them in droves.

Why do these women flock to this leader? I paid attention.

It is his pleasantries. I mean, who doesn’t want to hear nice things and ‘feel’ good?

I guess this is what attracted me.

I would get pumped up listening to his persuasive tongue and positive messages.  I couldn’t get enough.

His words were like honey, sweet and addicting. But too much honey can make you sick.

He shouts, Declare it, Believe it, you’ll get that Mercedes Benz, in the name of Jesus!

Abracadabra, Hocus Pocus, Alakazam!

This is Christianity today.

An unholy mixture, of compromise and new age mysticism has seeped into the Church.

A seducing and lustful spirit, luring and captivating minds into deception.

I am familiar more than I care to admit.

I recognize them, I discern them, I smell them and I know where they hide.

They haunted and tormented me for years.

You think it’s all good, so long as you hear the word Jesus, right? But, it’s a lie.

The devil uses deception my friends, he’s the master of it. He is the best magician you’ll ever meet.

What? You don’t think these spirits are operating in the Church today? Really?

Well, I’m sorry to have to be the one to tell you, they are. Especially today.

The Church can’t see it though, because they are sleeping. They need to wake up from their slumber soon before it’s too late.


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