Tag Archives: Truth

Good Riddance 2017…

I don’t know about you, but this year was probably the most difficult one for me. I won’t get into the details, but suffice it to say, it was hard beyond words.

To be honest, I am a bit apprehensive about 2018.

Courtesy of Creative Commons

But, even though it was a tough year, there was still a lot to be thankful for. And three things come to mind: faith, family and friends.


Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.” (Romans 5:1-5)

I drew closer to God this year. I believe it was the hardship that brought me closer to Him. Which reminds me of this verse…

That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death.” (Philippians 3:10)

Our faith grows not when everything goes right or our way, but through suffering. Pain, loss, suffering helps us grow and mature as Christians. Pain certainly doesn’t feel good, but sometimes it is necessary for us to see things clearly and change our perspective and priorities in life.


…but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” (Joshua 24:15)

One of the things I am most grateful for is my family and that we are serving the Lord together. I am also grateful for my family in Christ, the few close sisters who have stood by me and prayed for me.


There are “friends” who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother.” (Proverbs 18:24 NLT)

A man of too many friends comes to ruin, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” (Proverbs 18:24 NASB)

I have been blessed to know many people in my life, and to call them friends. However, this year has taught me who my real friends are.

First and foremost, it is Jesus Christ. Second, my husband, who has had a million excuses to leave, but chose to stay. He is my example of strength, character, integrity and tenacity in the face of difficulties, obstacles and opposition. He is loyal, committed and a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

I realize that sometimes it takes falling and failing to distinguish truth from lies. To recognize who is actually for you, not just when the sun is shining, but when the sky is grey for days. The gift of being able to see beyond the smoke screens, fakes, phonies, and politically correct, the ones who only know how to smile in your face, and stab you in the back

I have had plenty of those kinds of friends. More than my fair share. But I thank God for all of them, my dear frenemies, because they taught me so much. So many valuable and priceless lessons. They have no idea how much they’ve served me.

As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result…” (Genesis 50:20 NASB)

When you are told so many lies… they begin to sound like the truth. Until the facade evaporates, and the ugly truth remains.

I’d rather know the hard truth than believe a bunch of lies. Those saccharine laced words, so sweet at first, leaving a nasty aftertaste. I thank God for delivering me from the web of deception, and for the pain I’ve endured at the hands of people I’ve cared about and loved, because I am no longer enslaved to them. I am free. Thank you, Jesus.

So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:36 NASB)

This is my prayer for you:

That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.” (Ephesians 3:16-21)

Happy New Year!


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Why Is There So Much Evil?

Hello my friends,

I haven’t been blogging or vlogging much and the first video will explain why.

In the second video entitled “Does God Still Heal?,” I share some personal experiences which I hope blesses you.

Please feel free to subscribe to my channel and share your thoughts in the comment section below.

God bless you and thanks for watching.

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KJV Know The Word Study Bible

Paperback: 1824 pages
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $27.99
Purchase: Amazon | BN | CBD










The KJV Know the Word Study Bible offers three easy ways to begin studying Scripture and helps individuals transition from being a casual reader of the Bible to becoming a regular student of the Bible. You can choose to study the Bible book-by-book, verse-by-verse, or topic-by-topic; each path offers powerful insights that will help you develop a daily routine of Bible study. The book-by-book series of notes leads you through the main points of each book of the Bible. The verse-by-verse notes help you to dig deeper into God’s Word. The topic-by-topic articles, which cover 21 theological topics, guide you through a series of insightful notes and give you a thorough biblical understanding of each topic. With the beautiful and timeless text of the KJV translation, the KJV Know the Word Study Bible offers you choices of how to study Scripture and grow in your relationship with Christ.

Features Include:

  • King James Version Bible text
  • Three easy approaches to study the Bible: 1. Book by Book; 2. Verse by Verse; 3. Topic by Topic
  • Insightful introductions for each book of Scripture
  • Words of Jesus in red
  • Beautiful two-color interior page design
  • Comprehensive list of theological notes
  • Concordance
  • Full-color maps
  • 8-point type size


I love Bibles, and my favorite version is the King James Bible. So, I was eager to review Know The Word Study Bible.

The pros: I liked the book by book, verse by verse and topic by topic sections, and the fact that it is compact enough to carry around with you. My personal favorite is the Introduction and Notes.

The cons: The print is too small for me and I found it limited. What I mean by limited, is that it’s not like a Life Application Study Bible or ESV Study Bible.

Overall, I like the Know The Word Study Bible and would recommend it. It does offer more features than any other compact study bible I’ve seen. I believe this bible would work best for a new believer as it’s not too intimidating or overwhelming.

Disclaimer: I want to thank Litfuse Publishing Group for sending me a complimentary bible in exchange for an honest review.

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I Don’t Believe In Bikinis

Courtesy of Creative Commons

Yesterday I read a blog post that I had a strong reaction to. I absolutely love this writer who is a dear friend of mine. A friend in whom I disagree on matters, but nevertheless, love and respect.

I didn’t write a comment on her blog, as my comment turned into several paragraphs. So I wrote to her privately and expressed my inner most thoughts.

One of the things, that surprised me even after I wrote it, is this:

I’m coming up against that a lot lately… people are unfriending me because I am not as open to everything as they are as a Christian. I’m one of *those* Christian’s who doesn’t believe in wearing bikinis to a beach, but wears trunks instead. Why? Because I don’t want the perverted pigs to feast their eyes on my goods, that’s why. I believe my body and those beautiful attributes of who I am physically should not be given freely like pearls to swine, but to my own husband who has committed his heart, mind, soul and life to me.

I read it…  then I read it again…  and I was like, wow… I wrote that?  Yes, I certainly did write it because…

I don’t believe in bikinis.

You must be rolling your eyes by now… Listen, I’m not telling you not to wear bikinis… you can wear whatever you want.  All I’m saying is, I’m not going to wear bikinis (or revealing bathing suits) to a beach or pool.

Ok… so, I’m not going to get the most popular vote on this post.

But let me ask you a question?  Would you rather I lie to you or tell you the truth?

I’m touching on a topic that most woman will vehemently disagree, even Christian women. I will definitely be described in several negative adjectives.

I’m sorry ladies, but truth is truth, I don’t believe in bikinis.


This week I discovered a dear writing colleague of mine whom I still esteem, unfriended me based on a particular post I wrote. I wrote that said post with passion, and realized I would be taking a risk by writing it because I knew I would get some adverse reactions.

But, I decided I needed to write it. It’s what I believe. I have to be true to who I am and tell the truth. It was not my intention to willfully hurt or offend this colleague by any means.  However, this colleague felt she needed to cut ties and I respected her decision.

So, for those of you who still want to read my posts, I am making you a promise today, you will always get the truth from me. Perhaps you may not always like it or agree, but I would hope you would do as I do, which is to respectfully agree to disagree.

We are not all going to see eye to eye on matters. We all have our beliefs which we stand by. This is what makes us unique. If we were all the same, it would be a very dull existence, don’t you think?

God didn’t create us to be clones or robots. He created us to have free will, to think and express ourselves differently.

If we disagree, which I disagree with people every day, it’s not the end of the world.

Please accept my apologies if I hurt or offended you with any of my posts. It is never my intention.

At the same token, I do not want to keep silent and compromise who I am, my beliefs or censor my writing because others don’t agree or like it. I don’t think that is right either.

One wise friend and writer told me, always write the truth and that my friends, is what I aim to do.

Which is why I’m letting you all know, I don’t believe in bikinis. 🙂

Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.


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Even If It Means Walking Alone…

Who doesn’t like being liked and accepted? We all do. We innately want to be appreciated, accepted and liked by others. Whether it’s our family, friends, co-workers or acquaintances. There is this inner need to be liked.

But, there comes a time when we have to risk not being liked for the sake of integrity. What is the point of living a life void of truth? Truth matters in relationships.

Courtesy of Creative Commons

I’ve always been a seeker of truth. I do not like to live in lies, deception or falsehood. I like real. I like honest. I like truth. Yes, even if it cuts. I rather the truth than a lie.

It’s easy to go through life in a cocoon. It’s safer. You don’t make waves, you don’t offend, you just get along and live stress free.

However, as believers in Christ, we need to live in truth, because the truth is what sets us free. (John 8:32

Too many of us are living in a bubble and trying to escape reality. But, running and escaping isn’t going to get us anywhere and will only prolong the inevitable.

We say we are followers of Christ, but what does that mean?

I’ve learned it means different things to different people. We’d rather make a god of our own understanding rather than follow the God of the Bible.

I guess it all comes down to choices. Just like choosing to tell the truth at the risk of not being liked. When Jesus spoke truth in love, it wasn’t a positive or popular message for people to digest.

The same holds true today. People are still rejecting His message.

We want to chew on the good parts, and spit out the rest. We want to say we are about love and community, but that’s the furthest from reality. Our actions give us away.

Our actions demonstrate that we want an easy God, a god of convenience. We only want to be told nice things and to be liked. We don’t want to live in truth, we don’t want the hard things, even if it’s necessary or right.

Well, this weekend I was faced with a choice. Either to keep silent or speak up. I chose to speak up and risked being liked for the sake of what is true.

Was it easy? No, it was not.

But, I’d rather risk, keep my integrity and walk in truth than be liked or accepted by others.

Even if it means walking alone…

What about you? Have you told the truth even when it was hard and at the cost of being rejected?

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