Tag Archives: miracles

Another Gospel

They tell you to ignore and deny your sickness, depression, and pain. And when you pray, and nothing changes, it’s YOUR fault, because you don’t have enough faith.

Courtesy of Creative Commons

How many of you know that’s a bunch of hogwash?

For whatever reason, some people have a hard time wrapping their minds around the fact that depression and anxiety is an illness and disability. Much like someone who lost an arm or a limb.

However, there are some in Christendom who believe if you are struggling with any kind of illness or disease, it is either a result of unrepentant sin, demons, or a lack of faith. So, on top of suffering, there is the guilt, blame and shame added to the mix for good measure.

I happen to be an open minded person, but I have a real problem with this false teaching being purported as truth. I have been exposed to a lot in my life, and have learned a great deal in my search for God. The one thing I can tell you is that these so-called faith healers are fake, and if they do exhibit any so-called power to heal, you must question the origin from hence it came, because not everything “supernatural” is of God.

I am here to tell you, that if you are a Christian who struggles with any kind of illness or disability, you are not alone and are no less a Christian for it. Jesus never said we wouldn’t be sick or suffer here on earth. He said we will have to pick up our Cross and follow Him.

I read this morning in Matthew 10:18, “And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.” Hmm, did you catch that… “not worthy of me.”

Jesus said it like it is. These fresh revelations, or new insights of the Word of God that these self-proclaimed apostles and prophets tell you is not biblical doctrine, but another gospel.

Today, the Church has strayed so far away from the truth, it’s sad. They have a distorted, confused and mixed up doctrine. What makes matters worse is that Christians don’t like to read their Bible. They’d rather be spoon feed, than dig into it themselves. What they fail to realize is they are doing themselves a huge disservice.

I do believe God heals. However, I no longer believe in those who claim to be used of God to heal others. God is God. He doesn’t need intermediaries. All God desires that we pray, have faith, and follow Him, whether we get healed or not.

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God’s Promises

It was about three years ago when I attended a Christian Writer’s Conference. I took a class taught by Cindy Sproles about how to write devotionals. I took many classes, but this particular class stood out for me the most. I guess it’s because Cindy is an amazing woman of God, and she taught with such love. She was also the one who introduced me to the concept of writing devotions using God’s promises.

Courtesy of Creative Commons

She told us to get “Our Daily Bread Promise Box“, which contains 240 promises from the Word of God. Cindy said for us to use this as an exercise and practice writing devotions.

I admit, I haven’t done this for a while, but this morning something tugged at me to go look in the box. I nearly cried because it read, “All things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” Matthew 21:22.

This Scripture is particular encouraging to me right now because this year has been challenging for me. With all the struggles I’ve been faced with, I kind of lost my way for a bit. But in the past couple of months, the Lord has wooed me back. I also have some amazing Godly friends who earnestly pray for me (you know who you are, thank you).

Last Friday, I had a spiritual breakthrough. I began the day with a meaningful telephone conversation with a friend of mine. It was deep and fruitful. We talked about the power of prayer. I don’t know why, but that conversation sparked something in me.

Then in the evening, I met up with a sister in Christ for dinner. She’s known me for years and has witnessed many chapters in my life. We hadn’t seen each other in over 2 years. But we always manage to pick up where we left off as if no time passed. God used her to remind me of who I am in Christ and all of His promises upon my life.

It was as if I had amnesia and forgot… but as she spoke, memories flooded back, reminding me of everything God has done throughout my life. Miracle upon miracle. I felt something break, and a peace come over me. A peace and assurance that I haven’t felt in quite some time.

I say all this to say, that no matter what you are facing or going through right now, no matter how deep the pain, no matter how lost you feel. God is with you, He is by your side, and He promises to never leave you or forsake you. I am a witness. So be encouraged today.

Please let me know how I can pray for you today. Leave your prayer requests in the comment section below.

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Precipice Of The Impossible

I am standing on a precipice of the impossible.

by Rafaelll90 in Manipulations

On the edge, ready to free fall into the unknown.

If you have been following my posts recently, you will know that I’ve been involved in advocating for someone who has been wrongfully convicted. I’m trying to help as best I can, but I am continually reminded of my own limitations.

This is probably the biggest test of faith I have ever experienced. This situation is like climbing the Mt. Everest. It seems impossible!

Having faith and believing God has taken on a whole other meaning.

As doubt invades my consciousness like a cancer and a war wages in my heart, I feel impotent to make a difference.

I don’t have money, I don’t have connections, I don’t have prestige.

However, I am not the first, nor will I be the last, to help bring awareness or attention to a gross injustice.

Patience is not one of my virtues. I want everything yesterday. This type of thinking comes with living and working in a fast paced city. A city where everything is dependent upon results.

Day in and day out, I’m not seeing any results. It’s beyond discouraging.

I’ll be honest, sometimes I want to throw in the towel and give up. But then I think, what if tomorrow is the day things change?

I am an ordinary servant dependent upon an extraordinary God, who has the ability to change the impossible to possible in an instant.

I would love nothing more than to see God move on this man’s behalf.

But, what I’m learning the hard way is that it’s not going to happen when I want it to. It will happen in His timing, not mine.

I am not in control, He is. I don’t call the shots, He does.

I am a co-laborer with God. (I Corinthians 3:9)  I just need to do my part and leave the rest to Him.

I’m desperate to prove this man’s innocence and have other’s see what I see. However, only God has the power to move on man’s hearts, open blind eyes and deaf ears.

It is “not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord Almighty.” (Zechariah 4:6)

As I stand on a precipice of the impossible, I may not see the results, but God sees everything. He knows this man is innocent better than I do and in His perfect timing, justice will prevail.

It’s just a matter of time. When it does happen, may the Lord receive all the glory, honor and praise.

Have you ever faced something that was bigger than you? A situation that seemed impossible? Did God come through for you?


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Mad Faith

You’re probably wondering why am I using the word “mad” in connection to “faith”.

The word “mad” is commonly used in New York City. The urban dictionary defines “mad” as “extreme” or “a lot”.

I decided to connect the two; mad faith.

Courtesy of Creative Commons

I’ve been thinking madly about faith. What makes one have more faith than another, and that sort of thing.

It’s a mystery.

My desire has been ever increasing for my faith to be authentic.

In Christendom, I see many chasing after signs, wonders, miracles and manifestations, to the point of idolatry.

I’m not judging, but merely making an observation.

Truthfully, I used to be one of those people. I would chase after God here, there and everywhere.

I was seeking some kind of sign or experience and chasing after Him as if He couldn’t be found.

Frankly, I had it all wrong.

It sort of reminds me of Moses, when He went up to the mountain to get the Ten Commandments and left the people behind. In time, they all started making physical idols to worship instead of worshipping the God who miraculously parted the Red Sea and delivered them from the Egyptians.

What is it in us that inclines us to chase after other gods, instead of Him? Why are we restless and unsettled in our faith? Why must we chase after experiences? Why isn’t Jesus enough?

These are the questions which gnaw at me daily. I don’t have the answers. All I know is that I’ve already tried it all. I’ve traveled around the world in search of Him.

I am certain of this, it is not by signs and wonders that our faith increases, not in the least. I tell you this from personal experience. This doesn’t deepen our faith.

One thing that does though, is adversity.

My faith was strengthened, when I shook with fear, felt hopeless, thinking God wasn’t going to deliver me out of something, and He did.

To me, that’s miraculous. Not manifestations of angel feathers, gems or gold dust appearing at some gathering, where the attention turns to man and not God.

This is where the confusion begins. Everyone starts worshiping and idolizing the creation instead of the Creator. The credit for these so-called manifestations becomes attributed to man, instead of God. If something is going to take the focus or pull you away from God, you should run the other direction and don’t look back.

I’m sharing what I’ve gleaned from all of the mistakes I’ve made in my life.

I’m not claiming to be an expert or have it right. I’ll be the first to tell you I don’t have all the answers. All I know is my heart longs for the authentic. For the living God of this universe to be real and present in my life.

I don’t want my desire for signs, wonders, miracles and manifestations to take precedence over Him. He already gave and did it all by dying on the Cross for me, what more do I want?

I want to have mad faith which is undeniable and unshakeable. I want to experience more of His love and presence in my life. Not experiences, sensations, imitations or cheap substitutes. The real deal.

What about you?

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Do What Jesus Did by Robby Dawkins

Publisher: Chosen Books
ISBN-10: 0800795571
ISBN-13: 978-0800795573
Price: $14.99
Purchase: Amazon | CBD | BN









Don’t get stuck at asking “What would Jesus do?” Be equipped to do it.

Chicagoland pastor Robby Dawkins hadn’t moved past that question either–until he discovered that the miraculous things Jesus did during His lifetime are not just history. They’re today’s reality. When he started living the way Jesus did, he started living life, as he says, straight out of a superhero movie.

So can you. In this dangerous book, you’ll learn simple, practical ways to take hold of your God-given “power tools”–prophetic ministry, healing, ministering the presence of God and deliverance from demonic power. And through amazing but true stories from the front lines of ministry, you’ll see what happens when ordinary Christians harness God’s superpower to bring His Kingdom to earth.

It’s time to beat the sickness, suffering and despair of the impossible. Time to embrace a powerful faith. It’s time to do what Jesus did.


Do What Jesus Did is primarily about Pastor Robby Dawkins life and ministry. This book focuses on his ministry of healing and deliverance.

The premise of this book is how Christians can be used of God to heal and route demons out.  Pastor Dawkins writes this book as an autobiography, testimony and teaching guide for others.

He focuses on the fact that believers  can be used of God to heal others. He also gets into why some don’t get healed after praying for them.

He writes about his personal experiences with healing and miracles after praying for people. He gives pointers on what you should do, when and how.

I thought Do What Jesus Did was an interesting and entertaining read. However, I struggled with the validity of his examples. It’s not that I don’t believe God can heal. I do believe God can heal, but I don’t believe it’s just a simple matter of walking up to people and praying for them.

Truthfully, I  had trouble with the theology of this book. I can’t verify what he wrote in his book, if it did or did not occur.  But, I personally had a hard time believing in the authenticity of  his examples.

I am not quick to believe everything I read, even if it is written by a popular pastor. I have seen too many things in my life to just take someone at their word, especially when it comes to the supernatural realm.

It is of my belief that when it comes to the supernatural, one must tread carefully.

In conclusion, I want to thank Chosen for sending me a complimentary copy to review.

Robby Dawkins, born to missionary parents, knew from a young age that God had called him into ministry. He and his wife, Angie, responded to God’s call to plant what is now the Vineyard Church of Aurora, Illinois, which they have pastored since 1996, and which uses power evangelism continuously. He has traveled to over 30 countries, including many Muslim nations, helping build the Church internationally. Robby and Angie have six sons and live in Aurora, Illinois.





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Signs, Wonders and a Baptist Preacher by Chad Norris

Paperback: 192 pages
Publisher: Chosen Books (March 15, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0800795407
ISBN-13: 978-0800795405
Price: $12.99
Purchase: Amazon | CBD | BN







Baptist Preacher Takes the “Weird” Out of the Supernatural.

Demonstrating humor, candor, and personal vulnerability, this Southern Baptist preacher offers an entertaining, non-religious look at the Holy Spirit. He shares transparently, recounting his own history of depression and panic attacks until Jesus rescued him and showed him how to do the works of the Father. As Norris explains, “I had no paradigm for that.” Then he challenges readers to engage with the supernatural.

Even though Jesus said we will do even greater things than he did, we don’t. Norris’s engaging narrative style lowers readers’ defenses and opens their minds to the idea that these “greater things” are more attainable than they think. Because we are loved more than we imagine, says Norris, we are more capable of doing the Father’s works than we have ever considered.


I have been sitting on this review for over a week now. There is so much on my heart, I don’t even know where to start. I talk a little bit about it on this blog post.

To say that reading Signs, Wonders and a Baptist Preacher turned my world upside down is a complete understatement. My mind is still spinning.

When I had selected this book to review, I had a secret agenda to discredit it. However, I couldn’t find anything to discredit; not the book nor the author, Chad Norris.

Whom, I had the sincere privilege of speaking to via Skype, not one time, but twice. I really had to see for myself if this guy was for real. Sure enough, he is.

Not only is he the real deal, but he’s also authentic, genuine, down to earth, funny and a nice guy. I want to be his friend now.

I just have one thing to say about Signs, Wonders and a Baptist Preacher, you all need to get your hands on it and read it. There isn’t a book out there quite like it.

If you have any doubts, are skeptical or cynical like me when it comes to the supernatural, well then, this book is for you. There is nothing over the top or sensational about this book at all.  This is by far the best book I’ve read on the subject.

Chad Norris openly and transparently shares how he went from a baptist preacher who doesn’t believe in signs and wonders, to a believer. He writes about his life and he does so with depth, sincerity and a sense of humor too.

I really enjoyed reading this book and learned a lot. Signs, Wonders and a Baptist Preacher provoked, challenged and changed me. I highly recommend it.

In conclusion, I want to thank Chad Norris for his kindness and gracious hospitality via Skype. I also want to thank Chosen Book for sending me a complimentary copy of this book to review.

Chad Norris currently serves on the staff of City Church in Simpsonville, South Carolina, as the Director of Life Transformation. He loves the art of storytelling, and his ministry includes speaking to students and adults in a variety of settings. He has an MDiv from Beeson Divinity School in Birmingham, and he cofounded Wayfarer Ministries in 2000. Chad has co-written numerous Bible studies and coauthored six books. He and his family live in Greenville, South Carolina. You can follow him on Twitter.

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I Want To Believe

Do you believe in miracles? When you read the Bible, what goes through your mind? When you read about Heaven or Hell, do you believe it?

Well, I have a confession to make… I really don’t believe what I read, which is probably why I don’t feel compelled to read the Bible. But I want to believe.

I hear Jesus’ voice echoing in the recesses of my mind, asking me the same question, “Who do you say that I am?” (Mark 8:29)

I’m still trying to figure this out.

I have traveled far and wide seeking truth.  I shudder at the realization of how much money I’ve spent searching for God. I could have paid for a college education and owned two condos by now. No joke.

Sadly, I’m still at square one. If I’m honest, I lack faith and belief. True story.

I believe it is by God’s design I review Christian books. Because recently, I’m being challenged to the core by a book I’m reading and reviewing.

I’m sure you are curious… it’s called Signs, Wonders and a Baptist Preacher by Chad Norris. Have you heard of the book or the author? No? Well, me either… until now.

It was simple… Chosen Books sent me an email asking me which book I wanted to review and I chose this one. However, I didn’t know as a result of reading this book, it would turn my world and heart upside down.

Secretly, I had an underlying agenda in selecting this book and it was to discredit it. I wanted to write off the author as crazy, nuts, off the wall, etc…

However, by the time I hit page 40, I needed to speak to this man! There was such a drive in me to speak with him.

Thankfully, when I did reach him, he was very gracious. He didn’t think I was a lunatic from New York City. He agreed to speak to me through Skype a few nights ago.

Chad Norris isn’t nuts, off the wall or crazy… he is one of the most down to earth, nice, laid back dudes I ever met. He is NORMAL!

I can’t discredit him or his book at all.

Now what?

Well… I was left with looking at myself… where I’m really at with all of this stuff.

Folks, I love Jesus, but I lack faith and do not believe in miracles. I’m cynical, I doubt and question everything in the Bible and otherwise. When I read the Bible I disbelieve the miracles in there too.  I gloss over the stories like they are fairy tales or fables.

I realized somewhere, somehow I determined it was all a bunch of make believe. The realization of this is brutally shocking to me, I don’t even know what to do with myself.

I admit, it’s a scary place to be.

So here I am, on the day before Resurrection Day, crying out to God… Lord, I believe, help my unbelief. (Mark 9:24).

Do you struggle with reading the Bible and believing in miracles, signs and wonders? Do you believe miracles are for today? Have you experienced a miracle in your life? Have you seen someone get healed miraculously? Have you seen blind eyes and deaf ears open? The dead raised?

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Learning To Love by Heidi Baker; Rolland Baker

Paperback: 192 pages
Publisher: Chosen Books (February 15, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0800795520
ISBN-13: 978-0800795528
Price: $13.99
Purchase: Amazon | CBD | BN







Missionary Leaders Reveal Behind-the-Scenes Glimpses from Africa

Continuing where their book Expecting Miracles left off, this narrative draws from the last five years of the life of Iris Ministries. Woven alongside fascinating narrative from Mozambique is teaching from Heidi and Rolland that communicates the distilled wisdom about the heart of the Gospel from all their years of serving the poor.

More than any of their previous books, this one has the most to say about what Rolland and Heidi have learned about love–whether in Africa or wherever home might be: finding intimacy with Jesus, concentrating on the humble and lowly, being willing to suffer for love’s sake, finding God’s supply of utterly needed miracles, and walking in the unquenchable joy of the Lord. Every reader will find incredible challenge and refreshment in these pages.


I remember Heidi Baker visiting Times Square Church back in 1995. It was a 3:00pm service and she preached a touching message entitled, “Who will go?”.

I was a baby Christian. I had just started attending Times Square Church back then. The strangest thing started happening to me. To my surprise, I began to weep.

She did an altar call and I was propelled to go. I went and fell on my knees sobbing my heart out. I wasn’t familiar with the move of the Holy Spirit or anything like that. So everything was completely brand new, coming from an open and sincere heart.

I remember that day like if it was yesterday. I never forgot Heidi Baker, Mozambique or that altar call. There were only a few of us at the altar answering the call. I honestly thought I would wind up in Africa one day, but I didn’t.

It was refreshing reading Learning To Love and seeing all that the Lord has done in Mozambique years later.

Heidi and Rolland Baker share wonderful and encouraging testimonies of their work through Iris Ministries.

Granted, I personally struggle with the whole miracle element; the blind seeing, the deaf hearing and the dead rising. However, I respect the work that God is doing through the Baker’s in Mozambique.

I enjoyed reading the different stories throughout Learning To Love. The book is inspirational and I recommend it.

In conclusion, I want to thank Chosen Books for sending me a complimentary copy of this book to review.

Heidi and Rolland Baker, founders of Iris Ministries, served as missionaries in Indonesia and Hong Kong before following God’s call in 1995 to Mozambique. In the face of overwhelming need, the Bakers now watch God provide miraculously for well over 10,000 children every day through their ministry, and many more through the Iris network of more than 15,000 churches, Bible schools, primary schools, and remote outreach programs. They live in Mozambique, Africa.

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