The Devil Has No Mother by Nicky Cruz

Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Worthy Publishing; Reprint edition (July 16, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1617951897
ISBN-13: 978-1617951893
Price: $14.99
Purchase: Amazon | CBD | BN








Nicky Cruz knows all about the power of the devil. Since his own dramatic conversion in the 1960s from a life of crime as a New York gang leader, he has met and heard the stories of suffering of many ordinary people, as well as some of the worst prisoners in high security prisons around the world.

Drawing on his spiritualist childhood, his life in New York, and his knowledge and experience of over four decades of spiritual warfare since that time, The Devil Has No Mother shares Nicky Cruz’s hard won understanding of how the devil will try everything possible to gain power in the world–but also shows clearly that it is God who will win the day.

The Devil is worse than you think, but God is much, much greater.


The Devil Has No Mother is a book everyone should read, Christian and non-Christian. There is so much truth wrapped in this book, it will leave you in awe.

I admit, I’m a bit biased when it comes to Nicky Cruz. Reverend David Wilkerson was my pastor for many years before he went home to be with the Lord. So I had the benefit of hearing a lot about Nicky Cruz and his ministry over the years.

I also read The Cross and the Switchblade by David Wilkerson and Run Baby Run by Nicky Cruz many years ago. Both books changed the way I prayed, strengthened my faith and basically changed my life.

When I was offered the opportunity to review The Devil Has No Mother I was excited and looked forward to reading this book. I was not disappointed.

Nicky Cruz is by far a warrior for Christ. I completely admire him. He is a man of great faith and reading this book encouraged me so much.

You know, sometimes as Christians, we struggle to keep going. We get discouraged. Our prayer life gets a bit stale and our walks complacent. But, reading books like The Devil Has No Mother stirs and inspires you to believe God for greater things. It certainly did that for me.

The Devil Has No Mother is about stories of Nicky Cruz’s life and ministry experiences. He shares poignant stories and experiences, which will leave you breathless and hungry for more.

I highly recommend this book to everyone, it is a must read.

In conclusion, I want to thank Worthy Publishing for sending me a complimentary book to review.

Nicky Cruz has traveled widely around the world, speaking to hurting people in all walks of life, in the 40 years that have passed since he came to Christ in New York through the selfless devotion of David Wilkerson. Nicky’s ministry has reached thousands of inner-city gang members as he speaks to their need from his own experience. His ministry regularly targets urban environments in order to reach those who are most frequently trapped by destructive lifestyles and caught in a downward spiral of intense violence, drug abuse and gang activity.