Tag Archives: Jeff Goins

Follow Your Passion

Not everything in life is about money. Yes, we need money, I’m not saying we shouldn’t work or be responsible. What I am saying is when we truly follow our passion, money isn’t the motivation, purpose is.

Courtesy of Creative Commons

My wise father once said, do what you love and the money will follow. His passion is cooking, singing and people. If you see my father, you see me. I probably would have followed in his footsteps and taken over his restaurant, if I wasn’t passionate about the arts. I was good in the restaurant business because I love food and people. Yet, the restaurant business wasn’t for me.

My passion was the arts. I spent hours listening to the radio growing up. My mother bought me my first phonograph at the age of seven. I had 45’s and I would listen to them over and over. I would take walks from my house to Sam Goody on Queens Boulevard, where I was introduced to musicians like Al Di Meola, who is a radical guitarist and ahead of his time.

I didn’t realize I had a singing voice until two musical directors from a play I was in, told me I had a beautiful voice. I thought they were just being nice, until my peers started to tell me the same thing. It was then that I started taking singing seriously and found a coach.

In the midst of this, I loved to dance (still do). My mother was a professional dancer, so I started dancing as soon as I learned to walk. But, in order to get into the top clubs in Manhattan, I needed a fake ID. So me and my friends took a trip to 42nd Street and got ourselves some. It was then that I started frequenting clubs like, the Palladium, Red Parrot, Copacabana, Limelight, Tunnel, and much more.

Yes, music is a passion of mine. But so is reading and writing. I started reading books and keeping a journal as a kid. I devoured books and poured my feelings out on to the page. I also started dabbling in poetry, by the time I reached High School, I submitted my poems to the school newspaper and they made it to the front page. I also drew, so I would draw something that would coincide with my poems which was a plus.

But sadly, for years, I didn’t think I was a “writer”. I knew I was an actress, singer, dancer, and artist, but for some reason, I never thought I was a writer. This discovery happened later in life, when I read Jeff Goins book, You Are A Writer.

If you are not sure what your passion or purpose is, I highly recommend reading his other book, The Art of Work. Jeff is a good friend, colleague and mentor of mine. I have watched him do some amazing things over the years. He is inspiration to me. If you don’t follow his blog, I recommend that you do. I have learned so much from him.

If you don’t know what your passion is, you won’t know what your purpose is either, because passion and purpose go hand in hand. I encourage you to explore and discover what your passion and purpose is, because once you do, you will feel fulfilled.

Are you struggling with knowing your passion or finding your purpose? If so, let’s discuss it in the comment section below.

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Are you coming to the online event of the year?

The Self-Publishing Success Summit starts MONDAY — are you going?

Here’s the scoop, in case you missed it:

Over the past few months, my friend Chandler Bolt gathered 35+ world-famous authors & entrepreneurs for a one-time-only online event.

And you can get in for free:


The list of speakers keeps growing.

So far it’s Brian Tracy, Jeff Goins, Joanna Penn, Michael Port, Hal Elrod, Russell Brunson, Ryan Deiss, Joseph Michael, James Clear, Pat Flynn, Charlie Hoehn, Ty Cohen, Nick Loper, Jaime Tardy, Hollis Carter, and over 20 more top entrepreneurs and bestselling authors.

If you want to become a bestselling author — and use your book to build your brand, following, or 6-figure business — you don’t want to miss this.

But get your ticket fast.

Because after the event, the only way to catch these speakers is to buy the All-Access Priority Pass — which costs $297.

So hurry and get your free ticket now (takes 10 seconds).


Pilar Arsenec

P.S. I can only hold your spot for a few more days, so get your ticket now.


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When You’ve Lost Your Groove

I swore up and down, I would blog more often when  I committed to Jon Acuff’s Start Experiment. I took on the challenge and then lost my groove.

Courtesy of Creative Commons

Ugh! I hate when that happens, don’t you? You tell yourself you are going to do this or that, and then your enthusiasm dwindles down to nothing.

I can tell you what happened to me.

It’s called the perils of self-editing by thinking too much of you.

Yes, let me explain.

I would start by writing a blog post and then tell myself, oh no, my audience isn’t going to like this at all. Scratch that.

The next day, the same thing happens.

I convinced myself that the content wasn’t any good. What kind of person would I be if I allowed you to read something painstakingly awful?

I’m sorry, I couldn’t do that to you.

So… one day turned into two days, a week into two weeks and you get the picture.

No writing. No nada. Zilch.

Today I’m writing because like Stella, I want to get my groove back. Except in this case, it’s my writing groove.

So if this is awful, I’m sorry, but like Jeff Goins says, I have to practice [and fail] in front of an audience.


This concept reminds me of when I was in professional acting school.

We had to practice and rehearse our scenes in front of a live audience.

It was torture.

Every day we would get up in front of everyone and practice whatever assignment was given by the instructor.

I remember one acting teacher in particular who would stare at me with her big, laser beam eyes. As if her eyes were piercing into my soul. I felt exposed and naked. It made me nervous.

She scared me. But as painful as the process was, I learned the most from this teacher.

I learned that by risking and getting critiqued, I was growing in my craft. I despised the process, but my art wound up better for it.

The same applies to writing. We have to take the risk and put ourselves out there. This is the only way we’ll learn and grow as writers. There is no other way.

Have you lost your groove? If so, what do you do to get your groove back?


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The In-Between by Jeff Goins

Paperback: 176 pages
Publisher: Moody Publishers; New Edition edition (July 23, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0802407242
ISBN-13: 978-0802407245
Price: $13.99
Purchase: Amazon | BN | CBD








We’re an “instant gratification” generation, but the trouble is, most change happens gradually.

Most of us spend our lives searching and longing for something more than what is in front of us. Whether it’s traveling abroad or chasing cheap (or expensive) thrills, we’re all looking for medicine to satisfy our restlessness. And, so often, we’re looking in the wrong place.

The In-Between is a call to accept the importance that waiting plays in our lives. Can we embrace the extraordinary nature of the ordinary and enjoy the daily mundane-what lies in between the “major” moments?

Moments of breakthrough are not where life’s greatest transformation happens; the stuff that God uses to shape us often lies in the in-between. It’s the bus stops and layovers and DMV lines and moments of unintentional pause that force us to become better people.

That’s not to say there aren’t moments of epiphany. There are. It’s just that most of us find ourselves living somewhere in the in-between. Learning to live in this tension, to be content in these moments of waiting, may be our greatest struggle-and our greatest opportunity to grow.


As promised, here is my review for the amazing book, The In-Between by the talented and prolific writer, Jeff Goins.

Can I keep it real with you? This guy just rocks it, from his outstanding blog, to his TribeWriter’s course, to his amazing books and more. I just can’t get enough of his writing.

Jeff Goins writing is like eating my favorite ice cream. It’s delicious.

His book, The In-Between was timely for me. The premise of chasing after the next big thing resonates with me. I struggle with restlessness. I’m always on the move, waiting for the next big thing to happen in my life. Something that will make me feel alive and take my breath away.

Reading The In-Between really made me think about my life. Here I am chasing after stuff and I’m missing all that is happening in the moment.

I don’t know about you, but waiting is not my forte. My husband will tell you, I’m always busy and in a hurry. I have no patience when it comes to waiting or being still. Honestly, I have no patience at all.

I’m always on the go, running around and never stopping. According to what I read and learned in The In-Between, I’m losing out on valuable moments in the here and now. Moments I’ll never get back.

The stories Jeff Goins intimately shares in The In-Between is beautiful, emotional and romantic. I know, I never use that word, romantic. This book really touched me in more ways than one.

I also got to learn more about Jeff Goins in this book which is a real treat. He has a lot of depth and wisdom. I appreciated him before, but after reading The In-Between, I appreciate him even more now.

Honestly, I can continue giving accolades, but I would rather you read and experience The In-Between for yourself.

I absolutely love this book and highly recommend it.

Jeff Goins is a blogger, speaker and prolific author.

Originally from the Chicago suburbs, Jeff graduated from Illinois College with a degree in Spanish and Religion. Junior year, he spent a semester in Spain, which opened his eyes to a whole new world.

After graduating, Jeff spent a year on the road with a band. Then he moved to Tennessee to chase a girl. In 2008, he married her.

Jeff’s blog, GoinsWriter.com, is one of the fastest-growing blogs on the web and a well-respected resource for bloggers and writers. In 2011, it won the Top 10 Blogs for Writers award. Each month, he receives over 80,000 visitors to his website.

Jeff’s work has been published online and offline in a variety of publications, including RELEVANT Magazine (which has a circulation of over 150,000) and ZenHabits.net (voted one of Time Magazine’s Top 50 Websites).

Jeff and his wife, Ashley, live just outside of Nashville, TN with their son and dog.

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Wrestling With The In-Between

I am reading this book which is really provoking me. I’m sure you all heard me speak of Jeff Goins. Well, I am reading an advanced copy of his new book called, The In-Between, which is coming out on August 1st.

I just started reading it and can’t put it down. I absolutely love the way Jeff Goins writes. He is never boring. He also exudes wisdom in his writing. He’s an old soul. I also find myself relating to much of what he writes. I’m not going to give it all away because I want you to read and experience it for yourself. I will also be posting a review when I am done.

He is really making me think. The kind of deep, looking at yourself kind of thinking. I find myself stopping, remembering, and making connections in my own life. This is the reason why I follow his blog because not only is it good writing, but he really makes you think and gives you meat to chew on. I aspire to write like him.

I know, I know, I am not really comparing myself to him although I can’t help but admit I truly wish I can write like he does. But then, I wouldn’t be myself, right?

I go through a liturgy within myself of all the reasons why no one would like my writing. Why would anyone bother reading what I write? There are people like Jeff Goins, Chris Brogan, Seth Godin, Steven Pressfield, and Andi Cumbo. I mean, who in the world wants to read what I have to say?

Which is why I totally feel dejected and rejected when someone unfollows or unfriends me. I get repulsed with myself in the sense that I’m being totally self-absorbed and pathetic.

Why do I want to matter so much? Why do I want everyone in the world to like and accept me? What is this thing inside of me that wants me to be like everyone else instead of being myself, being happy with myself and that being good enough?

I mean, for goodness sake, I’m going to be 47 years old. You would think I would grow up already and display some sort of maturity here? I feel like I’m still stuck in high school, trying to be accepted by my peers. To be in the “in” group and part of the cool clique. I believe this may even be called narcissism.

I wrestle within myself; one part of me says, Who cares what people think about you, your writing, or what you have to say? The next minute I’m licking my wounds from someone unfollowing me because they didn’t like what I had to say.

Jeff Goins says, You don’t write for other people; you write for yourself. You don’t write for accolades; you write because you have to. You see? He’s so smart.

In his book, The In-Between, he discusses writing as a calling. I’m trying to figure out if writing is my calling or not. With so many talented writers out there, where do I fit in?

I don’t have the answer, but despite the resistance to write and publish, I will continue… as hard as it is for me… I will try to be brave and courageous as those I mentioned above and not give up.

What about you? Do you go through this as a writer? How do you battle the resistance and the incessant negative voices?

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Dancing with Angels

Today I am guest posting at my dear friend and gifted writer Christa Sterken. I met her at Jeff Goins TribeWriters course.

She came up with a wonderful concept of doing advent guest posts reflecting thoughts on Christmas.

Please visit her website and read what Christmas means to me.

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Guest Post: The Four F’s: What Sabotages Many Christian Writers

It’s a pleasure to be guest posting for Godly Writers today. I get to share about my writing journey and encourage other Christian writers as well.

Today I wrote about The Four F’s: What Sabatages Many Christian Writers. The four f’s are Fear, Focus, Frustration and Failure.

I would love for you to swing by and read more about it here:


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Kingdom Journeys by Seth Barnes

Paperback: 250 pages
Publisher: Ashland Press
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0985833408
ISBN-13: 978-0985833404
Price: $12.99
Purchase: Amazon


Do you feel like you’ve been missing out on the abundant life? Most people do. If you take a look at the life of Jesus, you see that he called his disciples to follow him – on a physical journey, not just a spiritual one. Hundreds of books talk about our faith walk as a journey. But few delve into the subject of how a physical journey can reinvent and revitalize our spiritual journey with God. Kingdom Journeys is about the journeys we all take, presented in a series of “initiation steps” by disciples who are taking serious the call to leave everything and simply “go.” This book is an exploration of an ancient spiritual discipline we must recover – if we’re going to truly follow Jesus.


I have never been so challenged, provoked and convicted by a book in a long time. I read this book, bit by bit, and thought about it each step of the way.

After having a very intense dream this morning (which is the norm for me), I immediately went to my journal and wrote my dream out. The dream was palatable and I didn’t want to lose the amazing feeling of touching the divine I felt was stirred by reading this book. I felt as if my heart would explode.

Reading Kingdom Journeys sparked the desire for more than a mundane existence. I want to live fully alive and experience what Seth Barnes so eloquently describes on each page; a true faith walk, not religion.I truly believe Kingdom Journeysis a must read for every Christian walking the face of this earth.

Seth Barnes speaks from the heart and tells it like it is. He doesn’t present a “pie in the sky” Christianity. There is no sugar coating or pretense in this book.Kingdom Journeys will shatter religion to the core.

Seth Barnes shares his journey as well as the journeys of others who are stepping out and living by faith.

I promise you, you won’t be the same after reading this book. You won’t be able to remain complacent, comfortable or content in your Christian walk.

Reading Kingdom Journeys changed me. I am now left with an insatiable hunger to experience more of God.

Kingdom Journeys I highly recommend this book. If you purchase the paperback of Kingdom Journeys now, there is a special offer until October 13th. Please take advantage of this promotion, because you won’t want to miss it.

Please visit  http://kingdomjourneysbook.com/ for more details and tell your friends about it too!

Seth Barnes is a work in process.

The son of a physician and prayer warrior, he embarked on his first mission trip in high school. During that two- month adventure in Guatemala, Seth was exposed to poverty he never knew existed. It changed him.

Before graduating from Wheaton College, Seth joined a mission to Peru and later worked in a Thai refugee camp for Cambodians fleeing the Khmer Rouge.

Soon after graduation, he married Karen, and they left the United States to serve as missionaries in Indonesia and the Dominican Republic. A few years later, he earned his MBA at the Darden School of Business, University of Virginia.

In 1989, Seth began Adventures in Missions in his garage. From that modest beginning, Adventures has equipped and sent over 100,000 missionaries to connect the body of Christ to the needs of a weary world.

Through the process, Seth grew to understand the importance of a relationship — and conversation — with God, which has guided his entire ministry and life.

Seth and his wife, Karen, have raised five children in Gainesville, Georgia. You can find him online at sethbarnes.com.


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Reborn Dreamer

This is Jon Acuff. He was kind enough to pray for me while I was dying of laughter. I was laughing so hard they were going to have to carry me out on a stretcher. I kid you not.

Anyone who can make me laugh and cry in one sentence is seriously gifted. I tried to hold back (as I was sitting in the front row) but to no avail. I couldn’t help myself. I do not remember laughing and crying so much in a long time. My stomach still hurts days later from attending the Quitter Conference.

I believe the Lord wanted me at this conference. I had all the excuses in the book not to go, but yet and still, I felt the nudge of God telling me to go. The week leading up to the conference all hell broke loose. I can see why now, I was blessed beyond measure.

I have to be honest and admit that initially I did not have high expectations. I was even wondering if I was wasting my time and money by going. Also, leaving my family behind was definitely not my comfort zone. My boys were not feeling my leaving them.

As as matter of fact, my eldest son told me to never to do that again. He said next time I have to take him with me so he can make sure I am ok. I guess next time we’ll have to make it a family vacation.

Initially, I thought the Quitter Conference was just a lot of hype. But I was so wrong. This conference was unlike any other conference I have been to in my entire life. I am not exaggerating.

I can see why everyone makes a big deal about Jon Acuff. He is such an authentic, down to earth and great guy. I had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with him a couple of times at the conference.

Let’s just say this conference made me believe in my dreams again. Hello world, my name is Pilar and I am a reborn dreamer.

Besides hearing Jon Acuff, I also got to hear wonderful speakers such as Al Andrews, Matt Chambers, Jeff Goins and Alli Worthington. What an amazing line up.

Last but not least, the absolute treat of this conference was listening to Jon Acuff’s favorite band, Seryn. They are now my favorite band. I want everyone to know about Seryn because I had a spiritual experience listening to them. I have never felt so much joy listening to a band in my life.

I have been a lover of music my entire life. I am also a singer, so I have been exposed and my ear trained to know good music. This band is simply amazing. You must see them live to get the full effect. Each band member knows how to play several instruments extremely well. They are virtuosos.

Seryn’s lead singer Trenton Wheeler (isn’t that a cool name), absolutely poured himself out. He is an exceptionally talented artist. His voice is unique, his sense of rhythm impeccable and his gift of playing several instruments is out of this world.

I guarantee you if you see them play live, you will be mesmerized and left in a trance. Since hearing them, all I’ve been doing is talking about them. I am hoping they will come play in New York City.

Thanks to my dear Quitter friends, Jon Acuff and the Quitter Conference, I am a reborn dreamer. I have renewed hope to pursue my passions and dreams. I was able to reconnect with my deep love of music and singing by going to this conference. I am not too old and I haven’t missed the boat either. I am right where God wants me. So I am no longer dreading turning 46 in two weeks.

If there is one thing I took away from this conference is our dreams are not ours, but for others. I was deeply moved and inspired by this concept and it helped change my view of dreams.

In conclusion, I want to share a link of one of my favorite songs by Seryn. If you like their music, I encourage you to buy their latest CD on ITunes. You won’t be disappointed.

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Wild Mind by Natalie Goldberg


Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Bantam (October 1, 1990)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0553347756
ISBN-13: 978-0553347753
Price: $17.00
Purchase: Amazon | BN


Natalie Goldberg, author of the bestselling  Writing Down The Bones, teaches a method  of writing that can take you beyond craft to the  true source of creative power: The mind that is  “raw, full of energy, alive and  hungry.”

Here is compassionate, practical, and often  humorous advice about how to find time to write,  how to discover your personal style, how to make  sentences come alive, and how to overcome  procrastination and writer’s block — including more than  thirty provocative “Try this” exercises to  get your pen moving.

And here also  is a larger vision of the writer’s task:  balancing daily responsibilities with a commitment to  writing; knowing when to take risks as a writer and a  human being; coming to terms with success and  failure and loss; and learning self-acceptance — both  in life and art.

Wild  Mind will change your way of writing. It  may also change your life.


I started reading a chapter a day of Wild Mind at the suggestion of Andi Cumbo. Andi is a friend and gifted writer I have come to respect and admire.

An incredible thing happened when I heeded Andi’s advice, I actually looked forward to getting up in the morning to read this book. For anyone who knows me, this is a major accomplishment, because I am not a morning person.

This morning, I read five chapters and finished Wild Mind. I was immersed in Natalie Goldberg’s writing. I love this woman. Her writing is rich and beautiful. She is really a gifted writer. Each chapter brought to life an analogy or personal reflection. I enjoyed gleaning the nuggets she shared throughout the book.

Now, I’m eager to start her first book called Writing Down The Bones.

What I also find interesting is years ago when I was counseling with a particular therapist. I believe it was in my early twenties, she asked me this question, “What do you enjoy doing?” I remember blurting out, “I want to be a writer.” I even surprised myself with that response. She recommended two books by Natalie Goldberg, Writing Down The Bones and Wild Mind.

I bought both books and they’ve sat on my bookshelf untouched for years.

I’ll be turning forty six in three weeks. Yep, I’m an old foagie. You are probably wondering (much like I am), what in the world happened? Why didn’t I become a writer?

Life happened. I don’t know. I guess deep down I didn’t think or believe I was a writer.

Until I met the brilliant writer Jeff Goins who taught me otherwise. I have no idea how it happened, but I walked into an amazing writing community on Twitter.

I started reading Jeff Goins blog, but it wasn’t until I read his book called You Are A Writer (which is free today only), I came to accept that I am a writer. I will always have Jeff Goins to thank for this. (If you haven’t read his book, I highly recommend it).

Jeff Goins will be coming out with another resource in a week, which I’ve been blessed to get a sneak peak, called Tribe Writers. Seriously, you don’t want to miss this online writing course. It’s going to be awesome.

I read another amazing book recently (which I also reviewed) called Let’s Write a Short Story! by Joe Bunting.  He is a deep, distinguished and gifted writer. His writing is absolutely beautiful and breathtaking. He has a great website which is also an excellent resource for writers called The Write Practice.

I am thankful the Lord opened doors for me to meet these wonderful people who are great writers and read their amazing books. I have been blessed to learn and grow as a writer.

Wild Mind by Natalie Goldberg is a great book which I highly recommend to all writers on any level. There is something for everyone in this book.

Natalie Goldberg lived in Brooklyn until she was six, when her family moved out to Farmingdale, Long Island, where her father owned the bar the Aero Tavern. From a young age, Goldberg was mad for books and reading, and especially loved Carson McCullers’s The Ballad of the Sad Cafe, which she read in ninth grade. She thinks that single book led her eventually to put pen to paper when she was twenty-four years old. She received a BA in English literature from George Washington University and an MA in humanities from St. John’s University.Goldberg has painted for as long as she has written, and her paintings can be seen in Living Color: A Writer Paints Her World and Top of My Lungs: Poems and Paintings. They can also be viewed at the Ernesto Mayans Gallery on Canyon Road in Sante Fe.A dedicated teacher, Goldberg has taught writing and literature for the last thirty-five years. She also leads national workshops and retreats, and her schedule can be accessed via her website: nataliegoldberg.comIn 2006, she completed with the filmmaker Mary Feidt a one-hour documentary, Tangled Up in Bob, about Bob Dylan’s childhood on the Iron Range in Northern Minnesota. The film can be obtained on Amazon or the website tangledupinbob.com.Goldberg has been a serious Zen practitioner since 1974 and studied with Katagiri Roshi from 1978 to 1984.

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Guest Post: Life is NOT About You

I have the privilege and honor in guest posting for Teri Johnson’s “Keeping It Personal” blog today. She is an amazing encourager, writer and woman of God.

Life is not about you.” – Jeff Goins

This quote became my favorite after reading Wrecked by Jeff Goins.

When I read this quote, it brought me back to a time when I was on the mission field in Guatemala. This was my very first short-term missions trip.  I lived in the city all my life and never served on the mission field before. So, I had no idea what to expect or what it would be like.  However, I learned quickly…

…it wasn’t about me.

To read the rest of this post, please click here.



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